In our Glamping in Tuscany at Agriturismo Pereti, one of the most requested structures is certainly the…

If you are looking for a romantic escape in Maremma Toscana, our little witch house is expecting you! In fact, this house is absolutely unique among all glamping in Toscana. It was built here on the property with passion and love.

It evolved quite spontaneously from a picture we found on internet. The main feature, which attracted our eyes, was the fact that nothing was regular. So, we started drawing, and making models with sticks of bamboo. Eventually, we found a perfect location for the house and the size, which fit perfectly under two rows of mature pine trees.

Although the house is quite tall – over 4 meters, its dimensions are really tiny: only 2x3 meters. The question we asked: would it be too small for our guests? We took the risk, and continues with the miniture design, which allowed only for small door (60x140 cm) and tiny windows.

After many trials, we finally found the shape we liked with walls on both sides of the house having irregular angles and irregular height. The roof was cut as if it was bent after many years of use. The windows on the back of the house are also out of line giving a sense of movement.

When our guests arrive, they inevitably smile as they approach the structure. The feeling of the structure is uplifting. It brings smiles into customer’s face.

The bed inside the house is not tiny at all. It’s size is 2x2 meters, so a comfortable romantic night is guaranteed. Inside the witch house, you will also find hand carved shelves. With a double insulation and always in the shade, the house guarantees that even in the middle of hot summer, it remains cool.

The witch house is equipped with an electric heater so it can be used year around. A fire can be lit outside to enhance the romantic atmosphere.

A private compost toilet is located just outside the house, but two more common bathrooms are available as well. One in the center of the property, and the other by the salt water swimming pool.

What else do you need for a romantic experience glamping in Toscana? Since the construction in 2017, the witch house has become are #1 bestseller.

In conclusion: nowadays, there are many fascinating glamping structures in Toscana. The witch house is unique not only among glamping in Toscana. As for now, the witch house of Pereti does not have a competitor in all Italy.

Welcome to glamping Toscana at agriturismo Pereti!

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