Glamping Toscana-Jenny Linares

An interview with author Jenny Linares A Colombian dreamer visits glamping in Tuscany

Could you please introduce yourself?

I am Jenny Linares, and I am from Colombia. I am 40 years old. I was originally an accountant, but 10 years ago I found my true purpose in life. I had the chance to write my first book and since that it has been a really wonderful journey because I decided to believe in dreams of my heart.

What dreams?

Five years ago I created a foundation for children and youth in volunrable conditions, because I wanted to give them the right tools so they can succeed. The foundation is located in Bogota, Colombia, but our vision is to build a physical location in the countryside within the next three years, because being in direct contact with nature is fundamentaly important. When we are in touch with nature, we will be able to plant our own fruits and vegetables, and we also want to raise our own chickens and goats to provide food to our children.

Is the selfsufficency the driving force behind your decision to move into a countryside?

I believe that if we receive all the tools when we are young, we will be prepared to live successfullly in the society when we are adults. We will be able to give and help; not only to take and use.

You said you write books?

Yes, until now I have published five books and I have also started a publishing company in Colombia, which aims to help young authors to publish their books.

You are manifesting many dreams!

Basically, I am a dreamer. I think that every single dream that is first manifested in our hearts is made there for something. So we need to learn and to listen to them so we can fulfill them.

Your life is obviously very full and busy. Why did you take the time off to visit our glamping in Tuscany? How did you even find us?

I decided to have an experience in Italy. It has been one of my dreams for several years to visit this beautiful country. Once I found the worldpackers organization and your glamping, it seemed really magical. I checked the reviews and I could see that I could learn many new things in nurturing envenironment. I saw the beautful of nature here, which is very important to me. I believe that nature can help to heal our souls. Finally, it was the phone call interview, which sealed my decision to come here.

What was you experience like at our Maremma glamping?

Everything was exciting for me because everything was new. First of all, I was in love with the olive trees. To help with the harvest was like a meditation. You could attune to the age and wisdom of the beautiful trees. It was very healing for me. I also liked the experience with the chickens. I am a city girl! Animals are very sensitive, and it was very nice for me to connect with the animals. I was watching them and observing how they receive me. I learned many things.

Why volunteering?

I think it is important to have a volunteering experience in life, so we learn to serve. Whe you serve an animal, or a person in front of you, you can make a positive change change in the world. So, for me this was very motivational. From this point of view the experience was fantastic.

You could volunteers on many farms in Italy, but you chose an agriturismo, which is also a glamping. Why glamping in Tuscany?

Every structure in your Tuscany glamping has its particular charm. I could feel the love and dedication here. Every structure was constructured with passion and attention to details.

Did you know the word glamping before you chose our place? The word glamping stands for “glamorous camping”, but it is a relatively a new term, which has been in use for less than 20 years. Not many people know the meaning of it.

Actually, I did not know the word “glamping” either, but my impression was that a glamping is a place where you can just find yourself. In the environment of your glamping in Tuscany with its beautiful views I could reconnect again with the greatness of life and the greatness of God.

For me glamping means an opportunity to connect with the nature and unltimately with yourself. Unlike in the business of a crowded and city , in nature you can start litstening to yourself again. You can start feeling the nature.

One of the experiences I cherish was just sitting down and listening to sounds of nature, the birds, the winds. Also, looking at the sky, the beautiful sunset. Agriturismo Pereti is a magic place.

What was your favorite structure of our glamping?

That is a very difficult to answer because all of them are very beautiful. But if I had to choose one, it would probably be the tree house. Why? Because a part of the tree is inside the house. That is really special.

If someone asks you about our place, what would you tell them they should expect from the visit?

I think people should expect transformation. If you are sensitive enough to attune to the nature and the details of Agrturismo Pereti, you will be able to change yourself in the silence, and you will be able to start appreciating the blessings of life. You will be able to see the nice things, which are already in front of you. I would say to future volunteers: you are very lucky to have this experience here.

Thank you very much, Jenny! We thank you for your time and work at our glamping in Tuscany and we wish you best luck with your foundation and book publicastions. For those interested to learn more, here is the link to your foundation:



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